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SEC Releases Guidance On Application Of Regulation FD To Social Media Channels

On April 2, 2013, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a Report of Investigation (the “Report”)[1] in connection with its investigation of whether a post by the chief executive officer of Netflix, Inc. on his personal Facebook page violated Regulation FD. The SEC...

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False Claims Act

Avoiding Potential False Claims Act Liability And Qui Tam Actions

Governments at all levels are increasingly turning to federal and state false claims act statutes in an attempt to combat fraud against the government and to address the record deficits they are running. At the same time, legislatures have been steadily broadening the scope of what constitutes a...

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In Gabelli, Supreme Court Holds SEC Enforcement To Strict Five-Year Limitations Period For Penalties; Will The Other Shoe Drop In Bartek?

In Gabelli v. SEC, No. 11-1274, 2013 WL 691002 (U.S. Feb. 27, 2013), the Supreme Court unanimously adopted a bright-line rule that, in SEC enforcement cases where the SEC seeks civil money penalties, the five-year statute of limitations provided for in 28 U. S. C. §2462[1] begins to run when...

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