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All Aboard? The LIBOR Train Is Leaving the Station

With the benchmark London Interbank Offering Rate scheduled for replacement at the end of 2021, banks and other market participants in the U.S. and UK are preparing for the transition. McGuireWoods partners Donald Ensing, Jennifer Kafcas, Susan Rodriguez, James Gelman, and Barlow Mann are part of the firm’s LIBOR Transition team helping financial institutions with their transition efforts. They assess where the transition stands and key issues facing market participants in the months ahead.

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McGuireWoods and Bank of America Partner for Progress On Diversity & Inclusion

In an effort to elevate discussions surrounding diversity and inclusion in the legal department, McGuireWoods and Bank of America joined one another in what proved to be an inspiring event for all.

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Don't Be Afraid to Hear 'No'

Eastern Bank’s Kathleen C. Henry discusses the importance of betting on yourself.

CCBJ: What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

Kathleen C. Henry: There wasn’t just one influence. I like to write and read. You have to enjoy both if you’re going to go to law school and...

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