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How to Choose the Right E-discovery and Data Analytics Firm

Caitlin Fila, manager of discovery services consulting at iDiscovery Solutions, discusses the firm's "fast-food drive-thru" approach of their Discovery Services Consulting team and offers examples of how different the outcomes can be when working with e-discovery vendors that follow more of the "fast-food" approach vs. the "sit-down restaurant" approach.

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E-discovery Document Review Workflow

It's a digital world, and more and more cases deal with e-discovery. Document review is the most time-consuming, and therefore the most costly portion of an e-discovery project. Here, Rick Ordemann and Walker Shields look at the different methods for document review to help better understand the options. They also discuss the best ways to save time and money when conducting a review.

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No Longer Alternative: How ALSPs Positioned for Growth During the Pandemic and Covid-19 Beyond

While the Covid-19 pandemic has changed how many operate and work around the globe, for captive Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) like Herbert Smith Freehills’ Alternative Legal Services (“ALT”) practice, the shift was seamless. The global team had rolled out a cloud-based e-discovery platform in 2019, preceding the pandemic, which enabled the team to thrive.

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