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GCs Must Ask Hard Questions to Get in Front of Potential Product/Service Claims

Here are five tips from Sills mass tort co-chair James E. Tyrrell, Jr. on anticipating claims, and five more on building a proactive institutional framework.

CCBJ: What does it mean to get ahead of the curve in the context of large-scale litigation?

Jim Tyrrell: There are five factors in-...

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Consumer Products

Survey Says . . . Vital insight into the fast-moving retail sector according to elite corporate counsel from around the world

Acritas’ Sharplegal data reveals how general counsel within the retail sector* face unique pressures when managing the legal affairs of their businesses.

International Legal Advice

Sixty-three percent of retail organizations have a need for international legal advice, up from 54 percent in...

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Consumer Products

Chipping Away at Fraud Risk: EMV cards are transforming the cashless payment universe

MCC: MasterCard and Visa set a deadline of October 1 for U.S. financial card issuers to replace the familiar magnetic strips with EMV (chip) cards, and for merchants to start accepting them or face a shift in liability for fraudulent transactions to the party that has failed to adopt the new cards...

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