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Intellectual Property

CCBJ Perspectives: Company Culture and Legal Industry Trends

Quovant’s CEO, Bill Horne, President, Michael Sheridan and Chief Technology Officer, Jon Israelson, sit down for a conversation with host Kristin Calve on the culture of their company, trends in the legal space and their advice to professionals looking to improve technical and business intelligence.

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Intellectual Property

Keeping Pace with Ever-Evolving Intellectual Property Disputes

Betty Chen, principal with Fish & Richardson, talks about the potential impact of widespread 5G rollouts on global patent litigation, how clients are addressing SEP and FRAND issues, and where she sees these trends going in the future.

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Intellectual Property

Chinese Companies Seek Guidance on U.S. Intellectual Property Law

Scott Stimpson and Trent Dickey, members at Sills Cummis & Gross, are longtime experts on working with Chinese companies and their lawyers on various patent and IP matters in the United States.

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