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Web Accessibility Compliance in 2022: How to Respond to an ADA Demand Letter (or Avoid One Altogether)

Every year thousands of companies are sued because their website or mobile app is inaccessible to people with disabilities. Add to this, an estimated 250,000 web accessibility ADA demand letters were served.

How to Swiftly Find Facts in Litigation Related to Bad Actors

Bad actors aren't just in movies. When litigation hits and there are allegations of fraud, cooking the books, employee misconduct or other "bad actor" behavior, time is of the essence to get ahead of corporate risk, financial harm, and brand damage.

US Data Privacy Laws from CPRA to VCDPA: what recently passed, how state laws differ, and how your business needs to comply

In this webcast, you'll learn more about the current state of play of major enacted legislation in several states, the requirements of the enacted legislation

Legal Hold Best Practices – Practical Tips to Ease the Pain and Risk of Manual Processes

If you are still using spreadsheets to track legal holds or just doing the basics with legal hold software, join this informative demo to learn about a multitude of helpful tips!

Arbitrating Domestic and International Life Science Disputes - Are You Prepared?

This video focuses on topics related to arbitration of pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device disputes. Understand how to best integrate Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) solutions into your agreement as well as hear best practices from experienced arbitrators.

Work How You Want, Where You Want with TyMetrix 360° Office Companion

Join this session to learn how Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions can increase productivity and drive user adoption by integrating matter management workflows with applications you already use, the Microsoft Office suite.