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Intellectual Property

Standard Essential Patents (SEPs): Costs And Benefits Of Broad Application

Editor: Please tell us about your background. Lynde: I am an economist with a doctorate from UC Berkeley with over 30 years’ experience working for the federal government, in academia, and in consulting. I am now a Vice President at Cornerstone Research, where we specialize in economic...

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Intellectual Property

Newsworthiness Prevails In Second Circuit Fair Use Analysis

On January 27, 2014, the Second Circuit held in Swatch v. Bloomberg[1] that the unauthorized publication of a surreptitiously obtained recording of an earnings call was fair use in view of the factual, newsworthy nature of the information and its lack of independent market value. The case...

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Intellectual Property

The So-Called “Patent Troll” Problem: Dealing With Non-Innovating, Non-Practicing Patent Monetization Entities

A hot topic in patent law concerns certain companies that do not make or sell any product or service, but instead focus on acquiring and monetizing patents through negotiated or litigated license fees. A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report estimated that one-fifth of all patent...

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