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Intellectual Property

Protect Your Brand In China — How To Navigate The World’s Most Challenging Intellectual Property Landscape

Have you seen the new Budweiser® shoes? How about the Mercedes-Benz® toaster oven? While neither company likely plans to enter the footwear or home appliance markets anytime soon, some enterprising trademark squatters have secured rights to use these brand names in these categories. How...

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Intellectual Property

Weil Panelists Discuss Pending IP-Related Court Cases That Could Impact Your Business

Weiswasser: I’m going to cover a few of the patent cases that are before the Court this term. This term, the Court is going to be testing certain core questions of what can be patented and what is needed to show patent infringement, and also scrutinizing the circumstances in which fee-...

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Intellectual Property

Stopping The “Patent Troll”: Or, What You Need To Know About The Current Legislation To End Abusive Patent Litigation

Their names include the Patent Abuse Reduction Act (S. 1013), the Patent Litigation Integrity Act (S. 1612) and even the Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes Act (nicknamed the SHIELD Act) (H.R. 845). Legislators on both sides of the aisle, along with President Obama, have...

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