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Blockchain Promises Broad Solutions: Development and adaptation of the technology to new industries are speeding ahead
In recent months we’ve witnessed an explosion of legal and regulatory developments involving blockchain and distributed ledger technology.[1] Such diverse authorities as the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the U.S. Department of State and the Cook County (Illinois) Recorder of...
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Blockchain for Business: Part I of II
Organizations across every sector and of every size and complexity are being told that blockchain technology will revolutionize their business – both for the better (by reducing costs/transaction times or increasing security) and for the worse (by disrupting or even extinguishing entire...
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Blockchain for Lawyers: Smart Contracts
New technology has changed the capabilities of documents once done with paper and pen
What if you and your counterparty possessed 100 percent certainty that every word and every signature in every contract you’ve negotiated were perfectly accurate? What if every payment obligation...
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