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Blockchain for Business: Part II

Organizations across every sector and of every size and complexity are being told that blockchain technology will revolutionize their business – both for better (by reducing costs/transaction times or increasing security) and for worse (by disrupting or even extinguishing entire business...

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In the Realm of Bitcoin, Exercise Caution: The rules are still evolving in this brave new digital world

During 2017, the realm of bitcoin, the blockchain, cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology (DLT) has been expanding at a rapid pace. All signs point to the continuation of this phenomenon. The implications for the legal community, and corporate law departments in particular, are enormous...

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Smart Contracts Are Having Their Moment: Named in the 1990s, they took 15 years to arrive

Consider a situation where a product is covered under manifold patents held by multiple third-party patent holders. Imagine the time and costs of, among others, monitoring sales and royalty payments. Now imagine a technology that could (1) ensure that every time a sale is made, royalty payments are...

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