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Just Follow the Rules! FRCP amendments could be e-discovery game changer

MCC: Which of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are subject to amendment, and when will the amendments become effective? Brennan: The amendments represent the most sweeping changes to the federal civil rules in years and directly impact electronic discovery. The more notable changes affect...

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A Practical Approach to Data Preservation and Collection

Preservation and collection of electronically stored information (“ESI”) is commonplace in today’s litigation landscape. Emails, spreadsheets, presentations, memos and even videos or pictures can all be potentially responsive data sources. The challenge with this information is...

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Information Governance

Information Governance – A Corporate Imperative: Library model delivers A-to-Z strategies

MCC: What are the drivers behind corporate information governance (IG) initiatives? Lawson: Risk is a big component along a number of lines. One pertains to unwanted data, meaning information that lives inside of the enterprise but adds no business value. This information presents risk when a...

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Consensus Coding℠: A Game Changer for Human Review

Editor: What are some of the challenges of human review within the e-discovery process? Regard: To date, the human review process can be characterized, at best, as “acceptable” from an industry perspective and, again, at best, as “inconsistent” for companies that engage...

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Cybersecurity In 2014: Threats, Protection, And The CISO

Editor: Please tell us about your background. Karchmer: I am a senior manager with iDiscovery Solutions (iDS). I began my consulting career almost fourteen years ago with a focus on digital forensics. I have now expanded that focus to include data breach response and ESI processing and review...

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E-Discovery And Technology-Assisted Review – It Doesn’t Happen “Automagically”

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Brennan: I’ve been very fortunate to have fantastic mentors and experiences in the last 20 years. Currently I am a director at iDiscovery Solutions (iDS), where we provide consultative and expert e-discovery services to corporate...

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Preparing For The Zombie Invasion: Demonstrating The ROI Of A Litigation Readiness Plan

Let’s face it – suggest a litigation readiness plan to any corporate officer and you might as well be trying to convince him of an impending zombie invasion. While many of us in the legal space understand the importance of such a plan, business generally does not respond to...

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