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The Keys to Analytics: Supercharge Your Document Review: Analytics and TAR are highly beneficial, but there’s still work to be done

As technology assisted review (TAR) and analytics become increasingly commonplace in the discovery process, it is more important than ever for counsel to understand the benefits, drawbacks and planning required. Here, two well-known e-discovery experts, Louis Martin of iDiscovery Solutions and Page...

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After the Data Deluge: “Keep it all, keep it forever” won’t do any longer. As paradigms shift, information governance, including defensible data remediation, takes center stage

Most experts agree that a sound information governance and data remediation program is vital to driving an organization’s business and reducing its risk profile. But how and why and when and with whom are all questions under active consideration. In this interview, Therese Craparo of Reed...

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Navigating EU Data Compliance in a Sea of Uncertainty: As alternatives to Safe Harbor and the Privacy Shield are debated, companies should focus on GDPR compliance

Thomas Matzen of iDiscovery Solutions brings over 15 years of experience in eDiscovery and project management for both domestic and international matters. Matzen has managed over 100 eDiscovery engagements, including several high-profile and complex cases. His experience...

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Trade Secret Disputes and Employment Risks: A top lawyer and forensic technologist weigh in on the key issues

Data theft of trade secrets through the use of portable electronic storage devices is occurring more and more, as is theft through cloud storage, according to James D. Vaughn of iDiscovery Solutions. Seyfarth Shaw’s Robert B. Milligan, who chairs his firm’s Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud...

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The Internet of Things Brings Risks and Rewards: A network of devices emitting massive amounts of data provides answers – and raises ethical concerns

A nationally recognized electronic evidence and case management expert with over 20 years of experience in consulting for legal and corporate entities, Dan Regard of iDiscovery Solutions discusses the immediate and long-term impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on litigation, privacy, government...

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How Much Tech Do I Need to Know?: Ethical obligations have evolved to link the duty of competency with tech expertise

Metadata. MD5 hash. Native format. Disaster recovery tapes. Automatic deletion settings. Structured databases. Big data. Chances are, you did not learn this technological terminology and the implications for discovery in law school. Yet in the ever-evolving digitization of life, ethical obligations...

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Big Data Yields Big Results: Marshal the facts, tell a compelling story, and build a winning case

Businesses are required to analyze and preserve more and more data as litigation unfolds. Longtime legal technology specialists Charles Platt and Donald W. Myers are in the trenches with hundreds of millions of data points across multiple systems and networks. Here they explain how big data is...

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