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Food & Beverage

Straight Talk About the Food & Beverage Industry: Inconsistency with a dash of rigor is a bad regulatory recipe for manufacturers

MCC: Can you talk to us about the most common issues currently facing your food and beverage clients, and what the key challenges will be over the next 12 to 24 months? Graham: There are a few things. First, from more of a macro perspective, there may be the passage of laws at the state and...

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Food & Beverage

A Call for Guidance: Tip credit uncertainty burdens vital NYC restaurant industry

Restaurant owners located in New York City are left in the difficult position of interpreting the rules on the federal tip credit. The New York City Department of Finance has not issued clear and definitive guidelines on how to treat the federal tip credit as it relates to New York City taxable...

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Food & Beverage

Battle Lines Drawn Over Labeling Of GMO Foods And “All Natural” Claims

Whether to require labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is a hot issue in the ongoing debate about the risks and benefits of food crops produced using biotechnology. For more than a decade, almost all processed foods in the United States have contained ingredients from plants whose...

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