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Food & Beverage

Watch the Coverage Gap: Insurance for food contamination and recalls may leave liability on the table

Many aspects of a food manufacturer’s business are predictable or planned. And then there's food contamination and product recall – unanticipated events that keep a general counsel up at night. No wonder. An outbreak of foodborne illness, linked to a product ...

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Food & Beverage

USDA Raises Hurdles to Bankruptcy Sales of PACA-Regulated Produce Businesses

One of the main advantages of purchasing a business out of bankruptcy is that the process can be quick, orderly and predictable. Yet, recently, the United States Department of Agriculture ("USDA") has challenged the ability of debtors that are produce vendors to sell their businesses...

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Food & Beverage

Insurance for Food Contamination and Recall Events

The current climate of aggressive regulatory action by the FDA creates increased exposure for American businesses to liability for food contamination and recalls. A well-designed insurance portfolio may provide relief in the face of contamination and food recall events, but obstacles to coverage...

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