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Buyer Beware! Despite tokenization, mobile payments are not bulletproof

Virtual Card Present - A New Breed of Mobile Credit Card Fraud As credit card fraud rises, ensuring the security of mobile payments is important for merchants and consumers alike. To combat fraud, the next generation of mobile payment platforms employ tokenization to create more secure mobile...

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Banking | Finance | FinTech

On Bitcoin: Voices from the cutting edge

MCC’s contributing firms weigh in on the bitcoin phenomena – how it works, legal and privacy implications, and the broader impact of this disruptive technology as non-monetary currency gains acceptance and popularity. Bitcoin: An Important Disruptive Technology? Bitcoin has been...

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Finance | Private Equity | Transportation

Transport Infrastructure – A Hot Ticket: Despite political uncertainty, interest in rail and road projects remains high

MCC: What is driving the demand for transportation infrastructure projects in the U.S.? Lent: A number of factors contribute to a recognized need to invest in infrastructure. One is the importance of a reliable transportation network to the U.S. economy in terms of moving goods to and from U.S...

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