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Banking | Finance

Chipping Away at Dodd-Frank: Coming Full Circle

In 2008, the U.S. economy, and in fact, the world economy, was on the edge of a precipice. Hastened in large measure by loose lending standards, subprime mortgages and declining residential real estate values, IndyMac, the largest savings and loan in the Los Angeles market and one of the largest...

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Banking | Finance

Protecting IP Innovation in the Financial Services Sector

MCC: Share a little bit with us about your practice at Fish & Richardson and some of your most recent successes. Zoppo: Although I focus on intellectual property matters, my practice is fairly broad within that area. I work with clients to obtain patents and help them turn those patents...

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Banking | Finance

Motorola Limits Restraints on Banks: The New York Court of Appeals Recharges the “Separate Entity Rule”

In a decision that will resonate in the financial services industry, the Court of Appeals recently reaffirmed the continued application of the “separate entity rule” in New York. In applying this rule, the Court held that a judgment creditor cannot restrain assets located in a foreign...

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