More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles

Career Development

Best Practices In Director Training

Editor: Describe the role played by directors. Walker: In addition to their core fiduciary duties, the role of today’s corporate directors is to provide guidance to the CEO and senior executive team while overseeing the organization as a whole. A strong board should provide counsel...

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The U.S. Supreme Court Hears Halliburton II

The Supreme Court heard argument in Halliburton II last week.[1] At issue is whether the Court should overrule the fraud on the market presumption that it adopted in its 1988 decision, Basic Inc. v. Levinson,[2] which obviated the need for plaintiffs in securities fraud class actions to...

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Consumer Protection

Consumer Fraud Class Actions: A Status Report

Editor: What trends are you seeing in consumer fraud class action cases? Weinberger: We are seeing more of them, and more are being brought in federal court. It could be that plaintiffs are turning to the consumer fraud area because Congress has made it more difficult to bring securities...

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