More Regulatory & Compliance Articles

Labor & Employment

OSHA Releases Final Rule For Handling CPSIA Whistleblower Complaints

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published a final rule regarding the procedures for handling retaliation complaints under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).[i] The CPSIA prohibits manufacturers, private labelers, distributors, or retailers from...

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Employee Benefits (ERISA)

U.S. & Multinational Businesses: Watch Out For Group Plan Rules – But Meet The Challenge With A Little Planning!

The Challenge This article presents an overview of the controlled group and affiliated service group U.S. federal tax rules as they apply to qualified retirement plans – including defined benefit, cash balance, profit sharing, 401(k), SEP and SIMPLE plans – and so-called...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Implementing Enterprise Risk Management

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Auslander: I am co-head of Willkie Farr’s litigation department and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. I do general commercial litigation and specialize in insurance matters of all types. I have represented...

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