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The Nuts And Bolts Of Internal Investigations

Editor: Please tell our readers about your background as first a government prosecutor as well as your practice at Kramer Levin. Schoeman: I was a prosecutor in the United States Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York. Later, I came to Kramer Levin and was partner in our...

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Transparency Brings New Questions To Compliance

In today’s supply chain, businesses must manage an increasing level of transparency and an emerging, somewhat amorphous set of ethical expectations. This network of emerging risk includes evolving standards around human rights, diversity, consumer protection, social inequality, vulnerable...

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Regulatory & Compliance

Corporate Governance Update: Developments At The SEC, ISS And More

Public companies in the U.S. must meet the challenge of keeping abreast of increasingly important U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), state law and securities exchange developments in corporate governance. Included are some of the recent developments that reflect the different trends...

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