More Regulatory & Compliance Articles

Board of Directors

Fiduciary Duties of Directors in Latin America

Introduction The board of directors of a corporation is the principal body ultimately responsible for the corporation’s management. Compliance with fiduciary duties to the corporation and shareholders is a matter not to be taken lightly and can come as a source of stress, especially...

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Food & Beverage

Straight Talk About the Food & Beverage Industry: Inconsistency with a dash of rigor is a bad regulatory recipe for manufacturers

MCC: Can you talk to us about the most common issues currently facing your food and beverage clients, and what the key challenges will be over the next 12 to 24 months? Graham: There are a few things. First, from more of a macro perspective, there may be the passage of laws at the state and...

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Armed Drone Export Policy Steals Thunder, But Commercial Use Changes May Be Bigger Show

Last month, the State Department announced a long-awaited update to the country’s policy on exports of military unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The announcement made headlines because the new policy will allow the U.S. government to more favorably consider requests to export military...

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