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Aggressive Corruption Persists: Findings from the latest AlixPartners global anti-corruption survey

The record number of enforcement actions taken by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is proof that corruption, fraud and other misconduct remain legitimate problems for many companies globally. Vigorous enforcement, which today involves the use of sophisticated technology and data...

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Discovery Without Borders: International reach and the regulatory requirements of global network ever complicate managing information assets

Global expansion and the distributed nature of a company’s information add new complexity to the effective management of a company’s information assets and its ability to meet regulatory requirements in a global network. The so called big data problem is not new. What is new is that...

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Banking | Finance

Continuous Compliance Improvement Using Psychology and Behavior

Although building a culture of compliance has been a goal and topic of discussion at many companies for several years, creating a sustainable culture of compliance requires that companies regularly re-evaluate compliance strategies and tactics. This helps compliance professionals remain vigilant...

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