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Potential Changes For Structuring Investments In India

India and Mauritius are likely to begin renegotiating the current India-Mauritius Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (the “DTAA”) in the near future. The DTAA provides for the assessment of a capital gains tax on an investor only in the country of such investor’s residence....

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International Trade

The United Kingdom Legal Market – The View From Tudor Street

Editor: What is your role in the London office? Phillips: I have been the partner-in-charge since April 1, 2011, and I’m enjoying that role enormously. We have a partner-in-charge in every one of our 35 offices across the world, and my role is to look after the office and take it forward...

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London: An Ideal Venue For UK And Cross-Border M&A

Editor: What is the government’s view on the existence of a debt crisis in the UK? King: The government’s view is that there certainly is a debt crisis and that the previous government left Britain in an over-indebted state. The current government has introduced a series of...

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