More Intellectual Property Articles

Gaming | Hospitality | Technology

Increase the Odds of Licensing Success: Leveraging a brand in the gaming industry can be a lucrative bet with proper controls in place

The value of intellectual property in the marketplace is ever expanding, and when you consider licensing, that value could have a very precise dollar figure attached. Licensing arrangements can provide corporations with a handsome additional revenue stream, one outside of their core business, and...

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Intellectual Property

Fully Leveraging IP Assets: Recognizing opportunities to create new profit centers or innovative revenue streams.

R&D is woven into the fabric of our economy, yet it receives very little attention from business magazines, let alone the mainstream press. It might seem like an altogether forgotten part of the American industrial machine, but in 2013, R&D expenditures in the U.S. amounted to a staggering...

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Healthcare | Medical Devices

Crafting IP for Medical Devices: Targeted patent strategies can help companies gain a competitive advantage

Stephen Schaefer of Fish & Richardson discusses emerging trends in patenting medical devices, the challenges and opportunities ahead at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, or PTAB, and how a shifting patent landscape has affected the medical device industry. His remarks have been edited for...

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