More Immigration Articles


Meeting Employment Verification Obligations In A Climate Of Increased Enforcement

In fiscal year 2012, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”), the agency responsible for investigating and enforcing compliance with immigration laws in the workplace, set a record for the highest number of employer audits to date. The number of employers investigated peaked...

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Immigration Legislation: Moving Forward After The Election

In the aftermath of the presidential election, both political parties took a close look at the demographics of the electorate and reached the same overarching conclusion regarding immigration legislation: the time is more than ripe for legislation to fix our flawed immigration system. But as...

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Immigration Reform Prospects For 2013

Editor: Why is it likely that the new Congress will address immigration? Cooper: Virtually all observers were expecting that if he won a second term, President Obama would come under a great deal of pressure to make a second-term push to fulfill his first-term promise to pass immigration reform...

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