Home > Podcasts > Up Close on Litigation Finance: Christopher Bogart, CEO, director and a co-founder of Burford with Host Richard Levick of LEVICK
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Up Close on Litigation Finance: Christopher Bogart, CEO, director and a co-founder of Burford with Host Richard Levick of LEVICK
Christopher Bogart, Chief Executive Officer, director and a co-founder of Burford, speaks with host Richard Levick of LEVICK. Burford is the largest global provider of legal finance in the world and a force in the global legal market. He discusses his view of the market, continued expansion, the reasons for deep, multi-year relationships with law firms, the work Burford and other litigation finance companies do for plaintiff and defense clients, trends, innovations, challenges and perhaps, most importantly, their significant financial commitment to women and people of color in the practice of law. Chris Bogart is one of the most significant innovators in the practice of law over the past 50 years.