Home > Podcasts > In House Warrior: The Brilliance of Burford’s Equity Project With Aviva Will, Burford Capital’s Co-Chief Operating Officer and Host Richard Levick of LEVICK
In House Warrior
In House Warrior: The Brilliance of Burford’s Equity Project With Aviva Will, Burford Capital’s Co-Chief Operating Officer and Host Richard Levick of LEVICK
The Brilliance of Burford’s Equity Project: Aviva Will, Burford Capital’s Co-Chief Operating Officer, Aviva Will, joins host Richard Levick of LEVICK to discuss the company’s launch of the second phase of The Equity Project, a $100 million commitment designed to increase diversity in the business of law, particularly in leadership and partner positions.
The Brilliance of Burford’s Equity Project: Aviva Will, Burford Capital’s Co-Chief Operating Officer, Aviva Will, joins host Richard Levick of LEVICK to discuss the company’s launch of the second phase of The Equity Project, a $100 million commitment designed to increase diversity in the business of law, particularly in leadership and partner positions. Ms. Will discusses how the expansion of The Equity Project was motivated by the “vanishingly few” commercial disputes led by female and racially diverse lawyers. Burford contributes a portion of its profits made from resolved Equity Project-funded matters to organizations that promote lawyer development for female and racially diverse lawyers.