WTC Site Centerpiece Dispute Resolved

Larry A. Silverstein, developer of the Freedom Tower, the centerpiece of the proposed plan for rebuilding at the site of the World Trade Center twin towers, which collapsed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and architect Daniel Libeskind have announced that they have settled their differences over fees owed to Studio Daniel Libeskind for the firm's work last year on the Freedom Tower.

The settlement was facilitated by the court-appointed mediator Simeon H. Baum of Resolve Mediations Services, Inc.

Mr. Silverstein said that he had agreed to pay the firm $370,000 for its work. Mr. Libeskind said that he had agreed to the settlement and would withdraw the lawsuit he had filed against Mr. Silverstein.

Mr. Libeskind's work on the Freedom Tower was completed in December 2003, and is separate from his engagement by the Port Authority and the LMDC as the master planner for rebuilding the Ground Zero site.