The firm of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP is continuing its Intellectual Property & Media Law Lunch Series with a pair of seminars this month and next.
With the increasing complexities of intellectual property law and growing demands on in-house counsel, Weil Gotshal has designed this series to focus on current trends and developments in the law.
On Tuesday, October 19, Weil Gotshal will present Current E-Commerce Issues, with Weil attorneys Adam I. Cohen and Lynda M. Braun as speakers.
On Tuesday, November 9, the firm is offering False Advertising Update, with Weil attorneys Helene D. Jaffe, Bruce S. Meyer and Randi W. Singer as speakers.
The sessions take place from 12:30 to 2 p.m. at the Weil Gotshal Conference Center, 767 Fifth Avenue, New York City. The programs also are presented live via videoconference at the firm's Dallas, Silicon Valley and Washington, DC offices.
The series was launched on September 28 with a seminar titled Outsourcing Overview.
For details on available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board now located on our website at
For registration information, call Joei Weston at (212) 735-4618.