UT Plans Two-Day Mortgage Lending Institute

The University of Texas School of Law has planned a two-day 2011 Mortgage Lending Institute on Thursday and Friday, September 15 and 16.

It will run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. on Thursday and from 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. on Friday at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin. The program will be repeated in October in Dallas and in Houston in November.

On Thursday, Justin V. Switzer of Haynes and Boone, LLP will offer a legislative update, and Patrick C. Sargent of Andrews & Kurth LLP will explore commercial real estate loans for securitization under CMBS 2.0. Other topics include lessons learned from busted (or almost busted) sale contracts; interest rate swaps; top ten tips for mortgage lending; and recent developments in receiverships.

On Friday, Greg F. Hallman of The University of Texas McCombs School of Business, Real Estate Finance and Investment Center will offer an overview of the current state of the real estate capital markets. Other topics include a review of the working report of the Annotated Real Estate Finance Opinion; evolving loan structures: a review of current developments in loan structures of commercial real estate lending; and Texas Mortgage Lending: an overview of the primary statutes governing licensing and registration.

For information see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at www.metrocorpcounsel.com.

To make a reservation, call (512) 475-6700 or visit www.utcle.org.