The Southern California Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel America has planned a discussion titled Current Issues for Public Companies and Aspiring Public Companies at its networking roundtable lunch this month.
The session will take place on Wednesday, October 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Filenet Corporation, 3565 Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA.
The discussion will focus on current issues involving public companies, including the evolving role of theaudit committee and the relationship of the audit committee, the management and the auditors, Section 404 andrecent developments in the disclosure rules.
The discussion also will examine some of the preparation issues confronting new and aspiring public companies.
The featured speaker will be Mark Conley, a partner at KMZR.
There is no registration fee. For information on available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at
For reservations, call Sandy Lee at (213) 443-1105 or email socal@