Seminar Will Offer AdviceOn Keeping Corporate Trade Secrets Safe

Trade secrets often are a company's most important assets. They also are the easiest to steal. To help attorneys who must help companies protect these assets, the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) this month will present a seminar titled Keeping Your Trade Secrets a Secret.

The program will take place on Monday, July 12 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the MBA offices, 20 West Street, Boston.

The session will attempt to answer questions such as: When employees leave a company to go to work for a competitor, how can the company make sure its trade secrets aren't leaving too? What steps can an employer take to safeguard its confidential business information, both before and after its secrets have walked out the door?

A panel of trade-secret experts from private practice, in-house practice and the bench will teach attendees how to avoid the many pitfalls in this rapidly changing field.

The program chair is Jay N. Shepherd, Shepherd Law Group, PC. Other speakers are the Hon. Peter W. Agnes Jr., Suffolk Superior Court; Lurleen Manning, Shepherd Law Group; Gregory C. Keating, Littler Mendelson, P.C., and Margaret K. Seif, RSA Security Inc.

For information on registration fees and CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board in this issue.

For reservations, call (617) 338-0530 or access