The New York City Bar Association has scheduled a video replay of a CLE seminar titled Charitable Fundraising & Solicitations in the 21st Century.
The program will take place on Tuesday, July 10 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the House of the Association, 42 West 44th Street, New York City.
Among the topics addressed are: rules governing deductibility of charitable contributions; the special rules adopted to prevent funding of terrorist organizations; New York State regulation and antifraud enforcement with respect to charitable solicitations; the proper financial reporting of charitable contributions and expenses; the Better Business Bureau's watchdog role; First Amendment rules and limitations on state enforcement; cause-related marketing and commercial co-ventures; planned giving and charitable gift annuities; restricted gifts, and multi-state registration requirements.
The co-chairs are Douglas E. Evans, Sullivan & Cromwell; Stephanie C. Guberman, staff counsel, UJA-federation of New York, and David G. Samuels, Duval & Stachenfeld LLP.
For details on registration fees and available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at
For reservations, call (212) 382-6663 or visit