The Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) this month has scheduled a CLE seminar titled Win in the Beginning in two locations.
The program will take place on Thursday, October 20 at the Conference Center at Mellon, 501 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, and on Friday, October 21 at the CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, Juniper Street, Philadelphia. Sessions will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The featured speaker is Dominic J. Gianna, a partner at Middleberg, Riddle & Gianna.
According to Mr. Gianna, to win a case, attorneys must engage and capture their audience - jurors, clients, opposing counsel, judges, magistrates or mediators. Winning in the beginning, he says, means winning the beginning, whether it is the first meeting with opposing counsel, opening position statement in a mediation or arbitration, opening statement in a trial, first minute of a direct or cross examination, or first 30 seconds of a closing argument.
Seminar attendees can expect to learn how to create visceral and visual messages, how to make a point in 30 seconds or less, how to find the "hook" in their message, how to turn the audience their way in the first minute, how to create one-minute openings, and how to effectively take listeners by the hand.
For details, on registration fees and available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at
For reservations, call (800) 247-4724 or visit