San Diego ACCA SeminarTo Examine Whistleblower Statutes

The San Diego Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel America this month has scheduled another in its series of brown bag programs titled Whistleblower Statutes, Including Issues Related to Such Statutes Under California and Federal Law.

The program will take place on Wednesday, September 14 from noon to 1 pm at Invitrogen, 1600 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA.

What can an in-house lawyer reveal in the context of her wrongful termination lawsuit against the company? Must she keep the client's confidences confidential? Is there any conflict between the reporting requirements of other statutes and the Code of Professional Conduct? If so, how are they resolved?

These and other questions will be addressed by Janice Brown, founder of the Brown Law Group. She will provide some jury verdict analysis of recent general whistleblower claims.

For information on registration fees and available CLE credits, see the Bulleting Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at

To register for the program, contact Lauren Fay at (619) 234-3181 or [email protected].