Proskauer Seminar Will Outline Changes In California Employment Laws

Companies with employees in California must comply with state labor code and fair employment laws that differ sharply from those in other jurisdictions. Failure to understand and deal with these variations can expose out-of-state national and international businesses to liability in employment litigation, and prove to be a nightmare for in-house counsel and human resources professionals.

To help professionals based outside California deal with these differing rules, the firm of Proskauer Rose LLP this month is planning a CLE seminar titled California Dreamin' - a Seminar for East Coast HR Professionals and In-House Counsel With Operations in California.

The program will take place on Thursday, June 9 from 8:30 to 11 a.m. at The Sky Club, 200 Park Avenue, 56th Floor, New York City.

Companies not headquartered in California must thoroughly understand the many recent changes in California laws to ensure compliance and to protect the company as well as local management from decisions that may result in administrative charges and federal and state litigation. For example, by January 1, all California supervisors must have received at least two hours of training concerning sexual harassment.

In this fast-paced but comprehensive briefing, experienced California employment lawyers will review critical California law variations and demonstrate a new interactive training program that Proskauer has developed with WeComply.

Seminar speakers will be Anthony J. Oncidi, Arthur F. Silbergeld and Mark Theodore, all Proskauer Rose attorneys.

There is no registration fee for the seminar.

For registration information, visit