Lawyers representing clients who do business in Philadelphia must understand the intricacies of local business tax practice - or risk making costly mistakes. The Pennsylvania Bar Institute will present a one-day seminar on Philadelphia Local Taxes on Wednesday, January 14 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, 12th and Arch Streets, center city Philadelphia.
Course planner Stewart M. Weintraub, Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP, will be joined on the faculty by experts from the City Law Department, the Tax Review Board, and practitioners from other Philadelphia-based law firms.
Every important kind of tax will be covered: wage and net profit, business privilege, transfer tax, real estate taxes, use and occupancy and more.Recommendations of the Tax Reform Commission, which could substantially change the tax landscape in Philadelphia, will also be covered.
Registration begins at 8 a.m., the course follows from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Lunch, with a special guest speaker, is included in the registration fee.For tuition and CLE credit, consult the Bulletin Board. For more information, contact PBI, (800) 247-4724.