OSBA Program Will Help Attorneys Cope With Change

With an ever-increasingly complex society, with ever-growing demands on attention, and with ever-accelerating changes in legal work and laws, lawyers' brains are having trouble keeping up. To help attorneys cope, the Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) this month will offer a CLE seminar titled Mastering Change, Improving Productivity and Reducing Stress for Today's Attorney.

The program will be presented at three locations: on Wednesday, August 24 at the Holiday Inn, I-275 North, Cincinnati; on Thursday, August 25 at the OSBA offices, 1700 Lake Shore Drive, Columbus, OH, and on Friday, August 26 at the Forum Conference Center, East 9th and St. Clair streets, Cleveland.

This course provides strategies to deal with today's complex legal environment, including:

  • Identifying mental mistakes to avoid making them when you represent your clients;
  • Learn how some problematic ways of coping can impair your objectivity and professional legal judgment;
  • Learn about mental strategies that can help you excel as an attorney;
  • Learn how to direct your anxiety toward optimal performance;
  • Learn why you resist change and how this resistance can negatively affect your legal work;
  • Develop cognitive strategies that will protect you against the negative aspects of change.

The featured speaker will be Roger Hall, Ph.D., Compass Consultation Ltd.

For information on registration fees and available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at www.metro corpcounsel.com.

For reservations, call (800) 232-7124 or visit www.www.ohiobar.org.