The Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) will present its 41st Annual Midwest Labor & Employment Seminar on Thursday and Friday, October 14 and 15.
Discussion topics for the first day include a federal law update, the power of class actions and multi-district litigation, harassment in the modern workplace, recent developments in reasonable accommodation under the ADA, employment torts, and handling and defending claims alleging retaliation for whistleblower-type conduct.
Breakout sessions on the first day will cover recent developments and challenges with covenants not to compete and non-solicitation agreements, recent developments in public sector collective bargaining, diversity and affirmative action, employing foreign nationals without liability, employee benefits update, and NLRB/private sector law update.
On the second day, discussions will focus on ethical issues in the daily practice of an employment lawyer, workplace investigations, medical records in employment cases, professionalism, wrongful discharge, and tax implications of economic damage awards.
Second day breakout sessions will include hot topics in substance abuse, how arbitration works or doesn't, and using 42 USC §1983 in employment cases for public employees and others employed by persons acting under color of law.
The program planning chair is Barbara Kaye Besser, Elfvin & Besser. Among the speakers are David K. Fram, director ADA and EEO services, National Employment Law Institute; Charles C. Warner, Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, and the Hon. On L. Marbley, U.S. District Court.
The two-day seminar will take place at the Hilton Hotel-Easton Town Center, 3900 Chagrin Drive, Columbus, OH. Sessions will run from 9:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. on the first day and from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the second day.
For details on registration fees and available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board now located on our website at
To register for the seminar, call (800) 232-7124 or visit