Oklahoma Bar Members Star In Ethics Musical

Members and staff of the Oklahoma Bar Association will star in an ethics musical titled That '70s CLE: 2008 Ethics Musical. The musical will be offered on two dates - on Tuesday December 9 at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa and on Wednesday December 10 at the Will Rogers Theater in Oklahoma City. Registration and dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m., the program will begin at 6:00, and the evening will end at 7:50.

The evening promises to be a unique CLE event. A cast of talented lawyers and legal professionals will present ethical dilemmas and solutions through parodies and songs from popular '70s tunes.

People who have attended previous musicals say, "I came to get last-minute CLE credits but had so much fun I plan to make it a yearly event," and "Most excellent! Informative and entertaining. Impressed with the quality of the presentation."

For more information about CLEcredits and fees, visit CLE Events at The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at www.metrocorpcounsel.com.

To make a reservation, go to www.okbar.org or call 405-416-7000.