NYC Bar Reviews Ethics In Technology Development And Cross-Border Practice

On Thursday, August 11, the New York City Bar Association will offer How Technology and Cross-Border Practice are Changing Lawyer Regulation: The Work of the ABA's 20/20 Commission and Beyond.

The program begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at noon at the New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street in New York City.

Professor Stephen Gillers of New York University School of Law - a nationally renowned ethicist and well-regarded speaker - will address current issues of legal ethics. He will discuss five or six significant developments in the world of law practice and the regulation of lawyers, including three alternate business structures for delivering legal services, alternative litigation financing, inconsistencies in state ethics rules, outsourcing, technology's challenge to confidentiality, competition from foreign lawyers, and software that "practices" law (or law without lawyers). These developments reflect the ways that technology is changing how lawyers work. Further discussion will explore the fact that lawyers increasingly need to cross state and national borders - physically or virtually - as the needs of clients expand and lawyers with specialties are asked to advise clients away from home, which in turn puts pressure on state-based admission rules and unauthorized practice prohibitions. The work of the ABA's 20/20 Commission will be used by Professor Gillers as a backdrop for this event.

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