Northeast Ohio ACC-A Plans Pair Of CLE Seminars

The Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel-America has scheduled a pair of seminars on issues of interest to in-house counsel.

On Tuesday, January 18, the chapter will co-sponsor with the American Society of Corporate Secretaries a program titled Securities and Exchange Commission Update.

The session, which will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Union Club, 1211 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, will include an examination of current developments on the SEC front, followed by a reception and dinner.

The speakers will be F. Mark Reuter and Mark A. Weiss, partners at the firm of Keating, Meuthing & Klekamp.

On Thursday, February 17, the Northeast Ohio Chapter will present a session titled Media Relations Update.

The program will take place from 8 to 10 a.m. at a location to be announced.

The speaker will be Bruce Hennes of Hennes Communications LLC.

For details on CLE credits and registration fees for either program, see the Bulletin Board located on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at

For reservations for either session, call Nancy Schneider at (440) 988-3213 or e-mail [email protected].