NJCCA And AAA To Co-host ProgramOn Maximizing Legal Department Performance

The New Jersey chapter of Corporate Counsel of America (NJCCA), in conjunction with the American Arbitration Association (AAA), will present an informative session on Tuesday, November 15 from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m., covering key findings from ground-breaking research sponsored by the AAA.

The two studies identified a profound shift in how corporations are evaluating their in-house legal department and how a growing number of in-house counsel are responding by adopting a more strategic, business-focused approach.

The session will be offered in two formats: via Internet webcast, delivered to participants' desktops, and in-person at the AAA's Somerset, New Jersey office.

Roy Arbeit, AAA senior vice president, will discuss Creating Indisputable Value: Maximizing Corporate Legal Department Performance Through Dispute-WiseSMBusiness Management.

The initial study, based on interviews with 254 Fortune1000, mid-sized public and privately-held companies, found that companies exhibiting a more global approach to conflict management tended as a group to have stronger relationships with valued customers, suppliers, business partners and employees and lower legal department costs. (An executive summary of the initial study was published in the July/August 2004 ACC Docket and is available online at www.adr.org/si.asp?id=1803.)

The AAA followed up this research by conducting extensive interviews with senior legal staff at 18 of the "most dispute savvy" companies from the initial study, aimed at better understanding how these companies comprehensively managed their disputes and identified the commonalities in their practices and approach. Mr. Arbeit will present a summary of these leading practices in a variety of areas while connecting them back to key findings from the original research.

In addition to the Webcast, Mr. Arbeit's November 15 presentation will be presented live at the AAA's New Jersey office, at 220 Davidson Avenue in Somerset, just off Interstate 287. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m.

For details on registration fees, see the Bulletin Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counselwebsite at www.mnetrocorpcounsel.com.

To register or to obtain instructions for accessing the webcast, contact Barbara Walder (973) 927-5622 or email [email protected]