NEOACCA Plans Employment Law Seminar

The Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel America this month has scheduled a CLE seminar titled Avoiding Employee Claims and Other Employment Headaches.

The program will take place on Thursday, May 19 from 8 to 10 a.m. at a location still to be announced.

Discussion topics for the morning session will include:

  • Non-compete/non-solicitation/ non-disclosure agreements;
  • Discrimination issues, employee raiding and related trade secret issues;
  • New deferred compensation rules;
  • Arbitration clauses in employment agreements;
  • Key provisions in employment contracts/handbooks;
  • Contracts for highly compensated employees.

Speakers at the morning session will be Jonathan L. Stark and James D. Vail, Schneider, Smeltz, Ranney & LaFond P.L.L.

For details on registration fees and available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counselwebsite at

For reservations call Nancy Schneider at (440) 988-3213 or email [email protected].