NE Ohio ACCA Announces Two Morning Programs

The Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel America and the law firm of Brytzwa, Quick & McCrystal LLC will co-sponsor a program on Thursday, January 15 entitled Electrons Meet the Civil Rules: What Electronic Data is Discoverable and How Do You Handle It?It will be held from 8 to 10 a.m. at Windows on the River Powerhouse, Cleveland.

James L. McCrystal, Jr. and Jonathan R. Cooper of Brzytwa Quick and John McMicken of Imagenet will be the featured speakers.

On Thursday, February 19, the Chapter and Klink & Co. will co-sponsor a program on Pre-Deal Due Diligence - Using Non-Financial Investigative Discovery as a Tool in Mergers and Acquisitions.It will be held from 8 to 10 a.m. at a location to be determined.

Jeffrey M. Klink, president and CEO, and William A. Penrod, vice president, of Klink & Co., will be the featured speakers.

For both programs, registration is non-refundable and includes a continental breakfast.For cost and CLE credit information, consult the Bulletin Board. For more information, telephone Chapter Administrator Nancy Schneider, (440) 988-3213.