MICPEL this month is planning a day-long CLE seminar titled The Administrative Procedures Act and Beyond: Alternative Forums and Alternative Judicial Review.
The program is scheduled for Friday, November 19 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Ecker Business Training Center, 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, MD.
Discussion topics to be addressed by the faculty include: The Administrative Procedures Act - Md. State Government § 10-201, et seq.; The Office of Administrative Hearings; Administrative Practice Before Agencies Excluded From the APA: Maryland Tax Court; Administrative Practice Before Agencies Excluded From the APA: Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission; Administrative Practice Before Agencies Excluded From APA: Workers' Compensation Commission; Alternative Forms of Judicial Review: Certiorari and Mandamus; Judicial Review: Evaluating the Arbitrary and Capricious and Substantial Evidence Standards, and Important Developments in Administrative Case Law.
The program chair is Michele J. McDonald, assistant Maryland attorney general for the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
For information on available CLE credits and registration fees, see the Bulletin Board now located on our website at metrocorpcounsel.com.
To register for the seminar, call(410) 659-6730 or visit www.micpel.edu.