
To The Readers Of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel:

One of the most difficult times in a legal career is the period of transition from one job to another. Transition is almost always anxiety laden and often enervating, especially during such turbulent times as these (although I optimistically note that it's beginning to look like the market is beginning to pick up).

Initiated through the unstinting efforts of Pat Bak, for more than two years our chapter has been hosting substantive programs and networking opportunities to support corporate counsel in in-transition. One recent forum was called "Success Stories - There Is a Light at the End of the Tunnel." Having just landed new jobs themselves, panelists talked about how they went about their searches - what worked and what didn't work - how they coped with the uncertainty of their transition, and what they learned that could help others structure a successful search.

Another of our innovative leaders, Chris Ryan, has pioneered a new way for those looking for new opportunities to network and share their experiences. He created a Yahoo! discussion group so that people can post job openings, hints for career advancement, and leads to those currently in-transition. Access is by invitation only to help ensure the integrity, confidentiality and sincerity of information exchanged by the participants.

As we look for ways that we can help in-house counsel enhance their careers, we plan to continue to host a Career Development Forum every six to nine months. Not only does the group of people looking to make a move change over time, the market is always changing, too. We have found the unselfish exchange of information by people who have successfully completed their own transitions reflects the collegiality that is characteristic throughout all of our chapter's activities.

If you are planning a career move or have ideas to help corporate counsel in transition, WMACCA's other leaders and I would be delighted to hear from you and see you at our upcoming events. Please visit our web page at www.acca.com to learn about our upcoming activities, or you can contact us at [email protected].

