Katrina Damage Forces ABATo Move Midyear Meeting From New Orleans

The American Bar Association has regretfully decided to relocate its 2006 Midyear Meeting in February from New Orleans. The meeting will be held in Chicago, February 8-13, one week later than planned.

"It is just not possible to hold our meeting in New Orleans," said ABA President Michael S. Greco. "The decision was made difficult because of our strong desire to help the economy of New Orleans at this time."

After investigating alternative locations, Chicago proved to be the best choice, given the shortness of time and the desire to house the entire meeting in one facility in order to minimize logistical difficulties.

In addition to its many otherrelief efforts, the ABA will contributea cash donation to an appropriate fund for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The Hyatt Regency Chicago, headquarters for the Midyear Meeting, will join the ABA in donating to the relieffund.

Mr. Greco praised the hard work of the ABA New Orleans Committee in planning the New Orleans meeting over the past year.

A new web site for the Midyear Meeting will be available through the ABA's homepage, www.abanet.org, the first week in October.