IAPP Offers Privacy Academy In Texas This Fall

This fall, the International Association of Privacy Professionals will hold aprivacy academy - Privacy Meets Practice.

It will run from Wednesday to Friday, September 14 to 16, at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas.

Privacy is interwoven into every facet of today's economy, and yet privacy professionals are often alone, walking the fine line of protecting customers and satisfying regulators, without stifling innovation and business objectives. The academy offers practitioners the opportunity to talk to their peers, hear from experts, and gain a unique perspective from top privacy enforcers.

Featured speakers are Julie Brill, commissioner, Federal Trade Commission; Marc Rotenberg, president, EPIC and Georgetown University Law Center; and Scott A. Kamber of KamberLaw LLC. Networking opportunities, including the IAPP Privacy Dinner on Thursday Evening with keynote speaker Susan Combs, comptroller, the State of Texas, have been planned.

On Wednesday, a pre-conference workshop will run from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Topics will include federal legislation and the privacy impact assessment process; NFC, RFID and mobile payments; and creating a self-synchronized privacy program. A data protection bootcamp is included.

The main conference will cover the following general privacy topics: online privacy, healthcare, global privacy, law and policy, financial services, mobile computing/location-based services, operational privacy, cloud computing, information security, data breach and facilitated networks. On Friday, John Heitmann, partner, Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP, will discuss the best practices firms can use in creating effective mobile computing and social media policies for their employees. The talk (on Friday) will address the practical and legal concerns raised by the use of personal mobile devices and social media for business purposes.

For information see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at www.metrocorpcounsel.com.

To make a reservation, call (800) 266-6501 or visit www.privacyassociation.org/academy.