How The FCC ProcessesApplications For Transfer Of Control

The telecommunications industry is on the rebound, and that means transactions. Many applications to transfer control of regulated companies or assets are filed daily with the Federal Communications Commission. Most are processed without much difficulty or delay; a few raise concerns that require more involved review.

In light of these developments, the DC Bar Association on Thursday, June 10 will present a lunchtime seminar titled The Nuts and Bolts of Transfers of Control at the FCC.

Senior FCC staff members will discuss how their bureaus and offices process applications for transfer of control. Attendees will learn to avoid common mistakes and identify many streamlined procedures that are available for many transactions.

The program moderator is Julie Veach, Wireline Competition Bureau, FCC. Other FCC speakers will include Neil Dellar, Office of General Counsel's Transaction Team; WilliamDever, Wireline Competition Bureau; William Freedman, Enforcement Bureau; Susan O'Connell, International Bureau; Royce Sherlock, Media Bureau, and Jeff Tobias, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

The program will take place from noon to 2 p.m. at the DC Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street, NW, Washington, DC.

For information about program fees, see the Bulletin Board in this issue.

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