The Georgetown University Law Center this month is panning a pair of seminars on issues of interest to corporate counsel.
On Wednesday, May 11, Georgetown Law Center will present a session titled Financial Reporting and State Taxation: Confronting Risks and establishing Controls.
Since the corporate scandals of the past five years and the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the "rules" have changed. Corporate tax professionals and their advisers need to learn the new rules, their application and the implications, including the risks of noncompliance.
On Thursday and Friday, May 12 and 13, Georgetown Law Center has scheduled its Advanced State and Local Tax Institute.
This institute combines a practical, strategic perspective offering participants pragmatic tips and solutions with a broad, advanced look at vexing issues facing professionals in the SALT field.
Speakers and starting times for each of the sessions are still to be announced.
For information on registration fees, see the Bulletin Board on The Metropolitan Corporate Counselwebsite at
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